The Lands

The Lands is my fantasy world. It was originally devised for a short story but soon became the setting for some old-school gaming. These pages are a reference for friends role-playing with me. Concepts are rated M for mature readers. All content unique to The Lands copyright © 2006-2025 D Berk.

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Location: Australia

I'm from Australasia but have had some short holidays in Europe. I also inhabit my imagination and enjoy sharing interests with friends. For me blogging is a kind of conversation.


The Vault of Artifacts

Still Life Stuff

What follows is a selection of legendary items of alleged power and portent. None of them are unique but all of them are scarce due to the scarcity of spell-casters of sufficient talent and circumstance to make such items. Ones that are made are rarely sold but rather are passed from generation to generation. The exception to this are potions and scrolls which are of temporary use.

There may well be many other magical items in The Lands than just those described here. These are simply the more well-known of such items. They are barely if ever labeled as magical, and the finder of an artifact is lucky indeed if that item is marked in some way, such as with the Arcane Sigil (an equilateral triangle the points of which touch a circle enclosing it and which represents the unity of body, animus and spirit). Note the 'owner' of a magic item is usually understood to be whomever has touched it last but there may be much more to it than that...

These items are usually of best quality and durability however they can still be destroyed. For information on spells (some of which inspire these items) see under Magic and Spell Lists in Game Mechanics.

Magical Interference

Magical items in close proximity can interfere with one another. Temporary magical items like potions and scrolls are at risk of permanently losing one or more effective doses or spells. Permament magical items are at risk of temporary lack of function till they have been left to sit alone for a day. This severely limits how many items one person can carry and use at a whim.

Magical Interference can be mitigated by the greatness of the person carrying the items. An adventurer can usefully carry a number of items equal to half their level rounded up. In other words for every two levels one can bear another magic item (from just one at levels 1 and 2 all the way to ten at the dizzying levels of 19 and 20).

This limit applies to a rider and steed combined. However a separately lead pack animal can usefully carry as many magic items as there are members in an adventuring party. A horse-drawn cart can double this number.

In accounting the effects of magical interference note that some groups of items are deemed to be one item. Three separate magical spell cards are the same as one spell scroll. Likewise three vials of potion are the same as one flask. And a quiver of magical arrows is one set of magical items that can happily be stored together and be effective on dispatch.

Items of Temporary Use

These are the most common of magical items. They produce spell-like results but only a limited number of times. They can take many forms and are known to include tossed coins, lit candles or turned hour-glasses. More common however are the following forms...

Gem of Permanency

This item of Lehenic origin is a precious gem (ruby, emerald or sapphire) that if crushed at the time a spell is cast grants that spell Permanency.

Magical Scrolls

Magical Scrolls are those that replicate particular spell-effects because they have had a latent spell incorporated into them. The maker of the scroll must have had the capacity to cast that spell. One scoll can have between 1 and 3 spells written onto it and as each is cast its text fades. An alternative to scrolls is 'flash cards' that can only hold 1 spell each. The potency of a spell-effect will be anything from that of a first to fifth level caster. To cast a thaumaturgic spell the reader must pass an Intelligence check. To cast a theurgic spell the reader must pass an Wisdom check and may also be restricted by Alignment (depending on the church of the original spell caster). A warrior does this with a -3 penalty. Others (including rogues) do so with a penalty of -1. However if the spell is thaumaturgic then a mage is spared any penalty while if it is theurgic then clergy are spared any penalty.

Magical Potions

Magical Potions are those that replicate particular spell-effects because they have had that spell incorporated into them. The maker of the potion must have had both the capacity to cast that spell and also the skill of Alchemy. A flask of potion will have 1 to 3 doses in it. Alternatively a vial of potion contains just 1 dose. The potency of the spell-effect will be anything from that of a first to fifth level caster. The spell-effect of a found potion can only be discovered by sampling it. To take effect it must usually be imbibed but can sometimes be splashed.

Holy Water

A kind of potion which replicates the effect of the Abjuration spells of Repel or Scold Undead.

Longevity Potion

This elixir is made from the blood of a Doppleganger and allows the person who imbibes the entire flask to have their life-span extended by 10%. Those consuming the elixir but failing a Constitution check will find that it effects them as a severe toxin.

Potion of Healing

A kind of potion which replicates the effect of the Vitalism spells of Curative Touch or Remedy Affliction.

Red Rum of Rovnara

An alcoholic beverage best served hot which renders its drinkers 'rumbustious' and is made from ale, honey, juniper and other botanicals. Only the Mogøsha know its secret ingredients and it is usually found in the possession of Rovnaran drinkers. This brew acts as a mild toxin but it also grants a +1 to attack and damage rolls for an hour following imbibing of this robust drink.

Magical Weapons

There are all kinds of arms that has been magicked. Most will confer a +1 to both attack and damage rolls for a proficient wielder of that weapon. They are also a boon to adventurers as some monsters can only be harmed by magical attacks. There are a few more unusual and powerful magical weapons as follows.

Arm of Demon Vanquishing

This mace or flail was made by clerics of Olarin and Urala (respectively) to assist in combat with Wayward Spirits (which seem a particular problem for those two churches). Versus any Wayward Spirit they grant a +3 to attack and damage rolls. Versus other Spirits or Genie or Undead the bonus is +2. Versus any other opponents the bonus is +1.

Axe of Giant Felling

These battle axes was made by Hill Dwarf clerics to assist in the intended re-taking of the Seven Hills. They grant a +3 to attack and damage rolls versus Hill Giants. Versus Stone Giants or Ogres or Half-Giants the bonus is +2. Versus any other opponents the bonus is +1. Anything beyond the attack on 'other' opponents can only be utilized by a cleric or warrior dedicated to the cause of freeing the Seven Hills. They are made of steel and decorated with hematite.

Bow of Revolt

These yew bows were developed to assist Rangers in fighting for freedom. In the hands of anyone other than a Ranger they are something of a cursed item. If aimed at game they act as a normal bow. If aimed at non-combatants they act as a -1 weapon for attack and damage rolls. If aimed at children they also do half rolled damage if they hit. However in the hands of Warriors they bestow +1 to hit and damage to hostile combatants and in the hands of a Ranger do double rolled damage to the leaders of oppressive forces. Finally the string quivers in response to hostile intent as much as a mile away.

Dagger of Necromancy

This item is a bone-handled magical steel dagger that can only be fully utilized by a mage. It allows a mage to cast Necromancy spells of Telepathy, Telekinesis and Life Transference with the same level of experience as a caster of between sixth and tenth level (including number of spells cast per day). For non-mages it is simply a +1 dagger.

Oaken Club

These rugged tapering clubs have been made for generations by Grand Druids and Ovates for their own use, but over time some will have fallen into other hands, or into lost hordes. In the hands of most users they grant a +2 to attack and damage rolls. However in the hands of a Druid they grow to the size of a cudgel and can do 2d4 damage. Furthermore at a word from the Druid the end sprouts thorns which on contact deliver temporary paralysis. Finally with the willing touch of the club in its smaller form the Druid can reverse those same effects.

Rod of Gathering

This rod if stuck into the ground standing vertically will then cast Sanctuary, Shelter and Sustenance spells as if it was a caster of fifth level over an area with it as the centre. it can only be used by a cleric or lay worshipper of the Divinity to which the rod is dedicated. As a weapon it conveys an additional +1 to Defence if used for parrying.

Silver Arrows of Ridding

These silver-tipped arrows were made during the Wererat exterminations in the Sea Cities. They affect Therianthropes who possess innate Transmutation capability. Wererats, Werebats, Selkie, Jackalrie and even the Undead Swinehounds all suffer sorely from this weapon. Versus such monsters it grants a +2 to attack and damage rolls. Any damage so delivered cannot be removed by the act of transmuting as with mundane injury. In all other cases they are +1 weapons.

Spear of Reptile Rending

These spears were made in ancient times for Lehenic hunters of such diverse monsters as Hydra, Gorgon and Wyvern. They grant a +2 to attack and damage rolls versus any reptilian monsters. Versus any other opponents the bonus is +1. They also will fly back to the hands of whomever own them if called by name.

Staff of Conjuration

This item is a staff of ash that can only be fully utilized by a mage. It allows its user to cast Conjuration spells with the same level of experience as a caster of between sixth and tenth level (including number of spells cast per day). One end of the portal or gate must always be the holder of the staff. For non-mages it is simply a +1 staff.

Star-Iron Sword

These bastard swords are made from meteoric iron and were intended by those that made them to assist in the slaying of Undead. As they are of Erimanic origin they do the most harm to Wights and Wraiths for whom a +3 adjustment to hit and damage rolls is suffered. Versus other Undead the bonus is +2. For other opponents it is +1. They also glow if any Undead are within half a mile.

Sword of Orc Slaying

In a rare instance of Elf-Dwarf amity these swords were made by a Wood Elf mage working together with a Mountain Half-Dwarf spellsmith during the time of the Orcish migrations. They have the followings powers:
- They can change at a word from the wielder between the forms long sword and short sword.
- They grant a +3 to attack and damage rolls versus Orcs. Versus Goblins, Hobgoblins, Ogres, Half-Orcs or the Undead Swinehound the bonus is +2. Versus any other opponents the bonus is +1.

Venom Blade

These daggers grant a +1 to hit and damage for most users. However for a Thief or Bard they become a +2 weapon. Furthermore for Thieves only if it succeeds in hitting a victim in backstabbing attack then it will magically turn the blood it contacts into a severe toxin which affects the victim. This magic mimics the natural quality of the very rare Über-Troll rib-tips that inspired its design.

Magical Armour

Items such as helms or shields or leather jerkins can be enhanced by magic to grant an additional +1 to Defence Rating for those who wear them. However there are some armour items of greater magic than that.

Braces of Defense

These arm-bands improve the Armour Rating of the wearer by +2.

Champion Banded Mail

This banded mail has been imbued with magic granting an additional +2 to Defence Rating. It also halves any damage taken from area-effect magical attacks like those of Evocation spells or Dragon breath.

Elven Chainmail

The Meadow Elves make a fine chainmail that is as resiliant as steel but as light as glass (which is indeed what it is made of that is then magically turned into steel). This chainmail is magical and grants an additional +2 to Defence Rating while having the same encumbrance effect as a leather jerkin.

Gauntlets of Arrow Snatching

These misnamed leather gloves grant the wearer the ability to catch any missiles fired at them. If that projectile is successful in hitting the wearer then it is harmlessly snatched from the air and then can be used by the wearer as they please. To work the character must have a hand free. Are usually found as a sole glove but these work perfectly well alone.

Sentinel Helm

These steel helmets are covered in a pattern of silver studs that are shaped like eyes. They allow the wearer to become aware of movement in any direction from them but below. The wearer becomes very difficult to surprise or evade. They also grant an additional +1 to Defence Rating.

Shield of Disarming

These shield grants an additional +1 to defence for most users. For a Paladin however it becomes a +2 shield. Furthermore any non-magical weapon that is used in attacking the user of this item and fails to damage its user risks a 1 in 4 chance of shattering on the shield, becoming useless to the attacker. Its shape is that of an inverse arch and it will always depict an heraldic lion or eagle.

Magical Garments

These are garments of one kind or another that have been imbued with magical effects for those who wear them.

Enigmatic Belt

These belts (allegedly originating in the lost Mariner Isles) once worn alter some key characteristics of the wearer (resulting for instance in a change of sex). The effect is of indefinite duration even if the belt is removed.

Boots of Swiftness

These leather boots allow the wearer to move at twice normal speed both over the course of a combat round and an entire day of hiking. They also double jumping distance. Only a full pair works.

Cape of Flying

This cape functions like the wings of a bat and grants its wearer the ability to fly at will for as much as an hour at a time.

Cloak of Illusion

This item is a cloak of velvet. It allows a mage to cast Illusion spells with the same level of experience as a caster of between sixth and tenth level (including number of spells cast per day). Only the wearer can be the focus of the Illusion. Note that rogues can use this but only to cast Invisibility and Inaudibility on themselves.

Lingerie of Swimming

These magical silk undergarments once worn will blend imperceptibly with the wearer and grant them with the ability to swim as well as a dolphin and to hold their breath for an hour.

Mask of Enchantment

This item is a fine leather half mask. It allows a mage to cast Enchantment spells with the same level of experience as a caster of between sixth and tenth level (including number of spells cast per day). The wearer is always the focus of the Enchantment. Note that anyone has a temporary boost to Charisma of 3 while it is worn.

Rings of Binding

This item is a set of two identical rings that will bind two wearers in the same way that a mage and familiar are linked. If they are both human or demi-human then mood will be shared. Likewise if they both have spirit then those spirits will be linked and if one body suffers death then both spirits will thereafter reside in the body that is still alive. Elves have made three-piece sets of these rings.

Talisman of Transmutation

This item is a copper necklace. It tends to be decorated with images of animals or plants. It allows a mage to cast Transmutation spells with the same level of experience as a caster of between sixth and tenth level (including number of spells cast per day). The wearer is always the subject of the Transmutation. A non-mage wearing the talisman will be subject to specific but random changes within the effects of a level one spell that they cannot control while wearing it.

Magical Instruments

These are very rare musical instruments of a magical nature (some of which are particularly useful for Bards).

Fife of Following

This wind instrument allows a Bard to cast Enchantment spells five levels better than they can themselves cast (in effect granting them the same talent in Enchantment as a mage of the same level). However they can only use it three times per day. To cast a desired spell they must play a full tune on the fife. Others with the skill to play wind instruments will simply play the best they ever have.

Lute of Legend

This string instrument allows a Bard to cast Illusion spells five levels better than they can themselves cast (in effect granting them the same talent in Illusion as a mage of the same level). However they can only use it once a day. To cast a spell they must sing a song describing the desired sense impressions while playing an accompanyment on the lute. A story will come to life for those present. Others with the skill to play string instruments will simply play the best they ever have. Its rosette holes depict a poppy flower.

Marching Drum

This percussion instrument grants as many as twelve allies of the player (who must be skilled in that instrument) +1 to attack and damage rolls if they are entering into a fray for which surprise is never a consideration. The effect lasts for as long as the instrument is played. Furthermore, once per battle the player can hit the drum as hard as they can, resulting in a shockwave that will throw up to twenty four opponents to the ground, resulting in 1d2 damage each and the loss of activity in the following round.

Magical Oddments

This is an assortment of peculiar items that do all manner of supernatural things.

Box of Fortune

These are small chests combining both mundane and magical security mechanisms. To open one must first solve a small mechanical puzzle of sliding parts that covers the keyhole. This feature can be overcome by (a) knowing the trick or (b) a successful Setting And Removing Traps roll or (c) a combination of successful Dexterity and Intelligence checks or (d) giving the players a handheld puzzle to solve in reality. Next one must (a) have the proper key or (b) use a Skeleton Key or (c) make a successful Picking Locks roll. Finally one must overcome a magical defence - the box is lined with a velvet bag that will conjure its contents six or more hours into the future if the lock is unsucessfully picked or the box is damaged in any way. The name of this device is a play-on-words - fortune refers to the future rather than any riches it may hold. Many will think that the box is empty. Few will wait to discover the contents returning to the present moment.

Cup of Divination

This item is a ceramic goblet decorated with gold inlay. Once filled with any reflective drink it allows a mage or cleric to divine or prognosticate with the same level of experience as a caster of between sixth and tenth level (including number of spells per day) depending on the power of the particular cup. It does the same for Bards at half those levels. The need to be in the presence of a person or object that is the subject of inquiry is circumvented by this item.

Deck of Fates

There are six suits in a set of playing cards - Clubs, Spades, Arrowheads, Diamonds, Crowns, Hearts - which originate in Lehenic lands. In the magical version of such decks those suits corresponds to the abilities of Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma. Within each suit are seven ranks of card - Imperial, Ducal, Baronic, Knightly, Elder, Common and Slave. Each card drawn will permanently adjust one of the six ability scores of the player drawing it. The adjustment made will be any one of: +3 | +2 | +1 | 0 | -1 | -2 | -3 (whoever designed these cards was terribly classist)...

Elemental Flask

This magical platinum flask of Lehenic origin has a Genie captured in it and if its inscription is deciphered then the Genie will emerge and follow the instructions of its new owner. A Genie can only return to its native plane of existence if the object to which it is bound is destroyed. A Genie will offer to undertake any task in return for its freedom. In contrast a Genie in servitude will only follow commands in the most minimalist and legalistic way.

Enthralling Chess Set

This game purportedly originated in the legendary Skyland beyond the Southern Desert. With the magical version of this game the user can designate each piece to correspond to a particular person known to them. For it to work the desired subject must be tricked into holding that piece. Furthermore they must only give particular pieces to particular kinds of person. The Monarch must be given to an hereditary authority figure while the more versatile Steward is given to an appointed or elected office-holder. The Bishops must be given to clergy. The Knights must be given to warriors. The Rooks must be given to mages. Finally the Pawns must be given to non-adventurers. Once designated the user can command those so enthralled but only once a full set has been designated. To date nobody has ever succeeded in getting a full set of pieces designated and indeed very few complete sets are known to exist.

Lively Limb

Druids of rank have a secret way of turning parasitic Mistletoe into magical replacement limbs. They are purpose-made for particular recipients but some over time have become part of troves here-and-there. They are inert as long as they are islolated from anything living (swaddled in cloth for instance). A found Lively Limb will look like an arm-to-leg sized stick of natural contours. However if it is applied to the stump of a lost limb it will spring to life and its root-like tendrils will fuse with flesh (see Mistletoe entry in The Bestiary on this function). Lively Limbs are usually more well-behaved that Mistletoe in the wild.

Rust Bugs

Rust Bugs are one-inch long magnetic objects crafted into the form of a caricatured black beetle. At a glance they look like ornaments but have a more practical purpose. On contact with iron or steel they will cause rapid rusting. They can be placed on or thrown at and will magnetically attach to armour. This will result in a permanent reduction to Armour Rating of 1. Over ten Rust Bugs will result in a reduction of 2. Over twenty a reduction of 3. They are extremely rare and gathering that many at once is very difficult to do.

Skeleton Key

This key is made of bone. In the hands of a Thief or Bard it will open any lock automatically. In the hands of others it will allow them to open locks as if they were a Thief of the same level.

Silken Portal

This silk cloth of five foot diameter is one end of a Conjured portal lacking a specific destination. It provides an extra-dimensional space in which a 'store room full' of objects can be stowed or persons can hide. Anyone first entering a newly found Silken Portal must succeed in a Luck roll or they will find that it is the habitation of a Wayward Spirit. A key component for crafting these powerful items is the finest silk that is grown best by Zinda sericulturalists.

Soup Stone

This smooth yet porous stone fits firmly in the palm of ones hand and makes an excellent addition to any soup or stew. Some say it simply leeches salt but if detected for a hint of magic is exuded by this culinary curio. It can be put into and removed from any number of dishes and never loses its effect. Many tasting the resulting dishes say it conveys more complex flavours than just saltiness but nobody can agree on how to describe it. Some say it also contriibutes to long life. These items are found by Dwarves while mining and are prized by anyone travelling the wilderness.

Sustina Seed

The Sustina Tree was a magical plant bred in the Wandering Lands during the Age of Glory. Every part of it was nourishing and flavoursome. They grew what seemed to be hazelnuts and blackberries. The leaves were like mint, the flower petals like lavender, the bark like cinnamon, the sap like honey and even the smaller roots like ginger. They are felt to be extinct now but dormant seeds still exist. If found they can be sold for an impressive sum to collectors who hope to grow the legendary tree anew. Such is the magic in them that even just carrying one grants a +1 adjustment to Luck rolls.

Tablet Of Rapport

The finest slate and chalk from the Brethic Hills is mined to make both writing tablets and the sticks to be pressed to them. Owning them is a mark of erudition but some are more than that. A Tablet of Rapport has been magically enhanced into a device of long-distance communication. Each tablet is engraved with a unique sigil and if that same sigil is drawn onto another such magical tablet then anything more drawn onto it will appear on the tablet of that sigil. Anyone both possessing a Tablet Of Rapport and knowing the sigil of another tablet can send chalked scrawlings there instantly. These are much-prized and usually guarded with great secrecy (albeit sometimes in plain sight).

Traveling Gnome

In the gardens of well-to-do Eriman merchants is a trend of decorating with ceramic figurines combining exaggerated characteristics of Dwarves and Elves. These ormanents are 'Gnomes' (a generic term of insult for demi-humans) and are the epitome of kitch. Some talented mages have secretly decided to turn these into the subject of a magical prank. Traveling Gnomes will randomly teleport once a week to another garden in any part of The Lands. The next week they will return to the original garden but with re-moulded garments reflecting the nation just visited. Anyone touching the Gnome at the moment of teleportation will go traveling too.

Trick Rope

This magical hemp rope can be instructed by its holder to put itself in knots or climb surfaces or even jump over spaces. It is very useful in allowing access to difficult to get at locations. Likewise it can restrict the movement of opponents who fail a Luck roll. The rope has a temperamental persona however and will misinterpret its owner on a failed Charisma check. Somehow Rogues are spared this vexation however - it seems the rope takes well to scoundrels.

Wand of Evocation

This item is a wand of iron decorated with electrum. It allows a mage to cast the Evocation spells Shock, Magnetism, and (in some cases) Lightning with the same level of experience as a caster of between sixth and tenth level (including number of spells cast per day). A non-mage can use Shock on a successful d30 Intelligence check but if they fail the effect will be turned on them.